Monday 4 July 2011

Acid Reopening

I heard that Acid reopened last friday.
It took over Ghostbar that initially took over Chocolate(a neat club I used to party at), and that, after Matinee Group hosted their Barcelona's Circuit Festival's opening there.

The location is kinda stranded, away from your usual night clubbing scene, but still Chocolate has always been crowded on weekends.

Not that I've ever been to Acid, but a lot of people are excited about that.

EDIT: ok so it seems that Acid's management took over the place, not really a "reopening".


About Me

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I'll refer to myself as leBi(french for "The Bisexual"). I don't really like to coin terms for sexuality but for the sake of narrowing things down, let's say that I'm a bisexual guy and I'm Lebanese (proud or not proud isn't really the issue here) You'll discover me throughout this blog since I'll be talking about some of my experiences as a bisexual person -especially the gay side(well it's mostly gonna be a social critique and rantings) :)
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