Thursday, 23 February 2012

Conservative, conservative and more conservative

I was just checking stuff on youtube and fell into that web of random videos.
yeah you know what i'm talking about lol, you check a suggested video on the right and you start jumping from one clip to the other and you're stuck in the loop.

I mistakenly got to some "Maya Diab falling" video and one regarding Greeks got talent (2 guys playing piano with their penises [very cool video btw])
The crisis was when I got the idea of reading the comments.
(links and comment participants were Arabs)

And yeah, ...
I'm aware of how conservative some people are and how religion can extremely filter tolerance.
But I had my share of refreshment.
Some people are really living under a rock.
I mean , dahell? Where's your sense of humor? Where's your sense of diversity?

Some brethren countries are way down the stairs of social evolution (I'm talking about the acceptance of others and the acknowledgment of diversity)
How do you expect them to respect the LGBT community when they want Maya Diab in hell and these two talented greeks under a rock?

Here's a rare occasion when I declare my joy for being born in Lebanon.
( on a side note, couldn't help myself but lmao when i read someone saying "it's definitely photoshop!" on the greek got talent video.  0.o )


About Me

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I'll refer to myself as leBi(french for "The Bisexual"). I don't really like to coin terms for sexuality but for the sake of narrowing things down, let's say that I'm a bisexual guy and I'm Lebanese (proud or not proud isn't really the issue here) You'll discover me throughout this blog since I'll be talking about some of my experiences as a bisexual person -especially the gay side(well it's mostly gonna be a social critique and rantings) :)
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