Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Marinas Turbo ... Brainwashing much?

I guess most of you have heard this ad on the Radio.
if not,click here
"Shaklak mwalla3 fiya w bet dalak te7ki fiya" and there's a new English version of this really annoying mantra!

I mean this song just sticks in your brain and won't come out, it's like an infection, an endless agonizing loop! [/drama]

Anyway, In my opinion the marketers want these words to be engraved in your minds. They want us to love and adore this product (I personally haven't tried it yet, so I can't judge this "Austrian" energy drink)

If that was the real purpose of this looping tune, I believe the *people who made this ad* failed.Well they made the song stick (obviously by repeating it) but didn't really make us compelled to buy the product. The reason is "YOU".

Yes , All they had to do is replace the " You're obsessed with it" with " I'm obsessed with it".
In this way, the listener who will be focusing on driving the car will
confuse this with a thought of his own and will go and buy the drink and
probably love it. (brainwashing 101? anyone?)

McDonald chose "I'm lovin' it" for a reason.

Just my "after midnight" 2 cents.


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I'll refer to myself as leBi(french for "The Bisexual"). I don't really like to coin terms for sexuality but for the sake of narrowing things down, let's say that I'm a bisexual guy and I'm Lebanese (proud or not proud isn't really the issue here) You'll discover me throughout this blog since I'll be talking about some of my experiences as a bisexual person -especially the gay side(well it's mostly gonna be a social critique and rantings) :)
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