Thursday, 21 July 2011

Applause : The Lebanese Way

My friends, you only see that in Lebanon, the weird clapping scenario that happens at awkward times.

Here's a couple of scenarios that just came to mind.(I'll be updating this soon)

Airplane landing fiesta: when the pilot lands the airplane

Arrival fiesta (airport): when friends/relatives arrive at the airport

Movie ending fiesta: when the movie ends at the theater (bad guy dies,marriage,final kiss,etc.) [it's not a theater I'm afraid]

Yes fiesta : at the wedding, when the bride/groom says yes [because he brought you all the way here so he can ditch her a the altar]


Anonymous said...

So true, so true.

About Me

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I'll refer to myself as leBi(french for "The Bisexual"). I don't really like to coin terms for sexuality but for the sake of narrowing things down, let's say that I'm a bisexual guy and I'm Lebanese (proud or not proud isn't really the issue here) You'll discover me throughout this blog since I'll be talking about some of my experiences as a bisexual person -especially the gay side(well it's mostly gonna be a social critique and rantings) :)
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